Making Room for Making Disciples

Building Campaign

This is your headline

This is your sub-headline
Greetings Church,

It is a good time to be part of Lawn Baptist Church.  God has been blessing us with 

people and resources, and he always blesses so that we can be a blessing.  You know that our aim 

is to help people become life-long disciples of Jesus Christ.  With the wonderful growth we are 

enjoying, we need better teaching and meeting space to facilitate discipleship.  We need to make 

some room for making disciples. 

So, Making Room for Making Disciples is the slogan for our upcoming stewardship 

campaign.  We want to be good stewards of God’s resources.  Our normal monthly income is still 

required for ministry operations, and our ministries are growing.  We are seeking the Lord’s 

guidance for funding over and above our normal monthly income in order to create more useable 

space.  Your involvement is vital! 

Sincerely, Pastor Mark 

Questions & Answers

The purpose of the campaign is to present needs and information to church 
members so that we can raise funds to build an education wing. 
The building will be used for meetings and training disciples who reach their neighbors for Christ. In addition, it will be useful for outreach events for all ages, especially for children. 
Funds for the project come from sacrificial giving of our church, creative fundraisers, potential foundation gifts, and if needed a church loan. 
Everyone can help by praying for the success of the project, praying about your own sacrificial commitment, and giving what God lays on your heart to give.  Everyone's help is needed. 

Future Building Designs

Making Room for Making Disciples is a three year campaign, and every LBC family 

will impact the success of the campaign with prayer and sacrificial giving.  Buildings are not our 

mission, but they are tools to help us accomplish our mission as we seek to help people locally 

and globally become life-long disciples of Jesus Christ.  

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Our Financial Goals
Building and planning for the future takes wisdom and faith.

 Pastor Mark Moore, along with the leadership of Lawn Baptist Church, has been seeking wisdom and praying earnestly to hear God’s will in this process.  We have three potential goals in this campaign.  The first goal is set at an attainable $750K.  The second goal may take a little faith, set at 1 million. Our third goal of $1.25 million is attainable as well when we give generously with our finished goal in mind.  After all, we serve a BIG & MIGHTY God and with Him, we can do BIG & MIGHTY things!

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